These are instructions for opt-in and opt-out of the Pacific Sands Cabana Club email list. The club encourages you to maintain an email for notifications from the club. Please remember to update your e-mail address to receive the most current club communications and newsletter. For your billing and official club business communications please e-mail club with your updated e-mail address.
Newsletter Email Service 
This service, called MailChimp, gives us the capability to stay up on web advancements and makes it easier for members to manage their own Newsletter subscriptions. If you were an existing Newsletter recipient, you were signed up for the service replacing the old service. If you are a new member after this posting, you would receive a notification to opt-in to the newsletter. If you did not receive a notification or want to subscribe or update a different email address, follow the instructions below.
This service is not used for billing emails. Billing and official business communication will typically come direct from the office staff. You can email or call the office staff to update your billing email.
Signing up for the Newsletter
The email lists used by the Cabana Club are typically member specific. Your subscription will be verified for membership to make sure you are receiving the correct notifications. Please use your first and last name when signing up. Click Here to Sign UpUpdating information
The update is the same link. Enter only your email and click “Subscribe to list”. If your email exists, you will see a message like below. Click on the link to update your profile.